
The Society of Young Philanthropists is immensely proud to officially partner with #GivingTuesday, a project of the United Nations Foundation

The UN Foundation writes,

‘#GivingTuesday inspires personal philanthropy and encourages bigger, better and smarter charitable giving during the holiday season, showing that the world truly gives as good as it gets… It brings together diverse networks of people, large corporations, small businesses and nonprofits across an ever‐expanding range of new media platforms to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness in the service of changing our world for the better. #GivingTuesday is not a new giving platform, but a call to action to celebrate giving and encourage more, better and smarter giving during the Holiday Season. It’s an organizing principle to encourage the creativity and energy of people all over the world to work together for good.’

Tuesday 2nd December. Put it in your diaries. Now. 

Stay tuned for details on this extremely exciting venture.